Historical images of a former rail, now a busy recreational trail, construct a series of shelter pavilions dispersed along its 10 mile length. The vectors and fills of these images are made material. They are mapped over the surfaces of each shelter, distorting the stability of stock material used in constructing each enclosure. This process of telescoping historical images of the context to the present site through materials and tools of today renders animated images, whose resolution is contingent on the orientation and motion of the trail-user. When moving, the image is legible, when stopped, it disappears and the space of the shelter is discovered as one of three types where one can safely pause to rest or repair gear to get moving again.
Design proposal includes a series of 7 shelters of 3 types for townships running west from Boston, MA.
Project Team: Megan Panzano with Jihyun Ro, Tommy Schaperkotter, Qin Ye Chen, and Bill Bancroft.