Stowaway House
This project plays doubles.
As a prototype for accessory dwelling unit design, this project replaces an existing carriage house in disrepair with a part-gear- and part-guest-house on a private property near the beach. It presents a miniature version of the property’s main house. The site is within a notable historic district, deemed a National Historic Landmark as one of the nation's earliest resort towns. As such, the project exterior plays a “same-for-same” game with the neighborhood, dominated by early Victorian and Craftsman homes and typified by properties with similarly coupled main and auxiliary structures. What appears a typical gable from the outside reveals an unexpected dynamic articulated interior with a peek into its peak.
The project is modeled in inverse, rendering its voided volumes solid and turning its physical representation into a playful object itself.
Exhibited in Inscriptions: Architecture Before Speech
curated by K. Michael Hays and Andrew Holder, Druker Gallery, Cambridge, MA